Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Queen of Swords

Today's card is the Queen of Swords. In this card we see a profile of a queen sitting on her throne and holding a sword. The background is a sky of blue and some puffy white clouds. There are butterflies adorning her throne and also her crown. The setting seems to be pleasant, although the facial expression on the queen is a bit hard.

When the Queen of Swords appears in your life, it is time to use your intellect and words to make your mark on the world. This is not the time for the feel good, nurturing side of yourself to be in control. Those with a Queen of Swords personality do not mince words. They are not known to be overly mushy gushy, feel good types of people. Instead, they make their mark on the world through their use of words and intellect. The Queen of Swords would be the person you go to when you want to hear the truth, when you want to know the answer to a question, when you need some sound advice. I am reminded of my mother when I think about the essence of this card. She was not overly nurturing, but she always had an answer. I remember about her that she was the one who would get herself in trouble sometimes for not mincing words, for speaking her truth. I tend to have that same sort of personality, although I hope that I have softened with age.

Is there someone in your life who always speaks their truth, no matter what the result? Sometimes these types of people can be abrasive, however, remember that they tend to be very wise and have given a lot of time and thought to all the things they have learned in this lifetime. They have given themselves over to an idea, a belief system, a cause, sometimes to the extent that their sense of compassion for those with different ideas suffers. I find that I tend to notice these types of people a lot, those who are locked into an idea or a belief to the exclusion of any other possibility. When two people with a queen of swords personality lock horns, the result is often not pretty. This makes me know that there is still something within myself that is the same way. When we find ourselves dealing with people over and over with a particular personality trait that rubs us the wrong way, it is a pretty good indication that there is a portion of that tendency within ourselves that we have not yet acknowledged.

Just for today, embrace that part of yourself that is wise, knowledgeable, and in control. In the same token, however, realize that there is the other side of the coin that is nurturing, compassionate and accepting of others. You may run into this type of personality today, if it is not you that embraces the essence of the Queen of Swords. There may be an instance to which you need to use your intellect, and not your emotions, to overcome a situation. Remember that Spirit is there to offer the wisdom you need to deal with whatever problems or situations in which you find yourself. We all have tools, given to us by Spirit, to deal with whatever life hands us. Remember that our souls are wise, loving, compassionate, and able to deal with whatever life brings us. We just need to be in touch with that part of ourselves that is connected to Spirit. If you find yourself wavering, just stop and reconnect. It is that simple. All the answers we need are right there.

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