Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Hopes and Dreams

Tonight is New Year's Eve and it is also what is known as a blue moon. This is the second full moon in December, and I am told that the blue moon is in Cancer which represents birth and new life. What a great combination!! The New Year is always full of thoughts of change and new things and somehow we hope that the next year will be better than the past one. Today while at work and then afterward I kept my thoughts on my hopes and dreams for the new year but also kept in mind that things are just fine just the way they are. It is a fine line between expectations and dreaming dreams for the future!!

What do I hope for in the future? I hope that I may connect more with the Divine within myself and also in the Higher Realms. I hope that I may spread joy and hope for those who have lost their own connection and assist others in reconnecting to the Divine within themselves. I am hoping for great things for my loved ones of course, that all they hope and dream for will come to pass and that they may live lives of contentment and joy.

I wrote previously about expectations and that my hope is that I will find contentment in the now and not get all caught up in expecting something to be different from what it is. I hope to be able to put this into practice more. I am learning to be content no matter what is occurring. I am finding joy in such things as shoveling snow, believe it or not. I know that I am evolving because I have always hated winter and snow and anything cold. I loved taking the Christmas decorations down and even getting the boxes out from under the house when it was 24 degrees outside with a windchill of "hell has officially frozen over"......

So, yes, I am looking forward to the New Year and I am excited to be birthing new things in my life but I am also quietly content with things just exactly the way they are. My hope for anyone reading this is that you find joy in the little things. Don't get your expectations for the New Year to be followed by disappointment when the reality of the New Year isn't exactly what you planned. Just enjoy every moment and don't waste all the little moments waiting for the big ones. Don't wish you were somewhere else doing something else. Enjoy where you are.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Letting Go

As the year comes to a close and my thoughts are turning to the New Year, I am thinking about the things in life that need to be released and the things that I would like to attract into my life. Most of the things are not physical things or people by any means. At this point in my life I am happy with the life I have created. However, I frequently feel deep down that there is something more I have not discovered yet, and this is what I would like to attract. I believe that we all emit a particular vibration and it is this vibration that brings people and events into our lives and also it is this vibration that causes them to go away. What would I like to release? I would like to release the need to fix everything that I think is broken, especially things that are not my responsibility to fix ( I get this from my mom!). I would like to take every day as it comes, and not have a preordained plan that when that plan gets messed up, my whole day goes up in smoke. I would like to release the need to be in control all of the time. I would like to release the need to beat myself up if I do not live up to the expectation that I have set up for myself. I would like to let go of clutter. I would like to let go of the need to keep something because I might need it someday.

Obviously this list could go on and on. Today I am just going to work on one thing. As usual, I have made a list too long to possibly accomplish in one swooping motion.

As you ponder the end of one year and the beginning of the next one, realize that it is not the things outside of yourself that are causing you pain. It is that nagging little voice on the inside that tells you you are not good enough, or that your problems would be solved if so and so would change or if you had more money or a better job. Resolve to let go of that inner critic and love yourself for who you are.

If we learn to love ourselves, faults and all, and release our need to always be in control and good enough for some unattainable standard, then life becomes a joy to live and those around us will notice the change!! Our personal vibrations will rise to a new level and the events around us will reflect the change inside.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Journey to Regain My Voice

Recently I was doing a journey into non physical reality and I really had no intention for my journey in mind. I like to journey with my guides and power animals on a regular basis just to keep myself fresh. I asked my guides where we were going this time and they told me we were going to get my voice back. I had no idea that my voice needed to be rescued so this was a bit of a surprise to me. My guides told me that frequently in my past the things I said were not listened to or valued and because of this my voice had run off to the land of lost soul parts. My voice was a piece of my soul that had not felt valued and so had run off. This had happened several times during this lifetime and also in a previous life as well. We came to the river in non physical reality that separates us from the land of lost soul parts and so we got into a canoe and traveled across a river. When we came to the land, I noticed that it was a desolate place with hardly any trees or living things there. I had been there once before to retrieve a lost soul part so I was a bit familiar with this place. So I called out to the part of myself that had run there and immediately made a connection. I asked the part of myself that had run there to remind me of the things that had occurred to make her run away. She took me back to a time during my past when I was a member of a church and had received some messages that were not listened to. At that time I was receiving many messages but most of the time when I conveyed the messages I got a pat on the back or sometimes even a reprimand. At one point I was told not to give any more messages unless I ran it by the pastors of the church first. I had been devastated and soon after left the church and subsequently stopped receiving messages. So I told my lost voice that things were different now. I was not going to be intimidated anymore from giving messages and I am learning that I do indeed have things to say that some may find helpful. My voice agreed to return but told me that there had been more times in the past when my voice had not been heard and that I needed to go back and retrieve those parts as well. So in my journey I began to recall instances in my past when I had felt that I was not heard. My guides eventually led me to a point in a previous life when evidently I had voiced some unacceptable words in that time period and I could see a large man come after me with a large knife and evidently he had the intention of cutting my vocal chords or maybe cutting my throat. I asked my angels what I could do to stop this from happening. He was very large and powerful and I was no match for his strength. My guides said to me… look behind you!! I looked behind me and saw several huge Angels many times larger than I was and the large man was no match for these Angels. I was no longer afraid and when the man came toward me with his huge knife I raised my hand to him and told him that he could no longer intimidate me. I told him that he had no power to silence me any longer and from this day forward my voice would be heard.

I have read many thoughts on past lives and one of the theories is that previous lives occur simultaneous to this one. Time is not linear like we think it is but all of our lives occur at the same time. If this is the case then I may have actually been able to change an event in my past that now changes everything from there forward. It is similar to the movie Back to the Future when an event was changed in the past and when the main character came back to his present day life everything had changed. In my experience I came back to present time and things were the same physically but I had changed. I am still learning to speak up when I have valuable things to say but I feel that a part of myself is now there with me, backing me up and encouraging me to speak the things that are in my heart.

I guess my reason for conveying this story is to suggest that there are many parts of ourselves that we have forgotten about that perhaps have retreated away from our conscious reality for one reason or another. As we progress in our lives and evolve into the person we hope to become, these lost parts of ourselves will present themselves in an attempt to be reintroduced into our existence. We may not remember losing the lost parts but there is a process where we can retrieve these lost parts and integrate them back into our lives. There are many ways to do this. My way was to journey into nonphysical reality and recover my lost parts. As we learn to value ourselves these lost parts of ourselves will desire to come back and will present themselves to us. We must learn to open our arms to ourselves and welcome these lost parts back home.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Angels and other stuff

A few days ago a new friend who I met on Facebook who I have never actually met ( I think she lives in England) told me that the Angels wanted to use me to give messages to people and that They would reveal to me exactly how this was to occur. It is interesting that I received this message since it is the second time I have heard this in the past couple of months. Susan Lynn, my friend and spiritual advisor, also told me the same thing back in August. At the time I was not sure how to fit this into my life, and Susan suggested I start blogging. I know that the messages that I receive are not coming from me, and that I am inspired to write what I do. I am excited that the
Angels have chosen me to spread inspiration and I am learning to open up the communication lines even more so that I can accurately put what they are telling me into words.

Sometimes I am not so sure that I am supposed to write what they have told me. I am learning to listen and open up the lines of communication. Yesterday I asked the Angels what I could do to insure that the vibration was clear and that I was hearing correctly and They said to me, Just make sure your energy is light and that you are focused on Love and Light, and whatever comes through will bring life to whomever you are focused on.

The past couple of weeks work has gotten in the way of any communication. I have worked many hours of overtime due to the Post Office being my main means of supporting myself and of course, this is the busy time of year at the Post Office. However, I have found that I can still offer love and light while busy at work. I was not able to blog as much, but I was able to offer help to many people while mailing their packages and helping them with their Postal issues. Many of us think we cannot be of any spiritual use while working on non spiritual jobs but I beg to differ. Many people that will never go to a spiritual advisor will cross our paths while we are working normal jobs. I focus love and light into every piece of mail that is put into my hands and send loving energy to every person’s eyes I look into. We can be messengers of Love and Light from the Angels and Higher Realms no matter what our job or station in life.

Remember especially at this time of year that we are all given a gift to give mankind. Only we can do that special thing that is ours and ours alone. Believe that you have a special gift to offer the world and it will be revealed to you what it is. Never be afraid just to be a conduit of love and light to the every day people that cross your path. Someone may need the love that is within you just to help them get through the day.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

the Christmas Story

It’s Christmastime and this time of year there is a lot of emphasis on the birth of Jesus. Now we really don’t know if Jesus was born in December but centuries ago someone decided to celebrate his birth in conjunction with the celebration of the winter solstice. If you investigate the major religions you will find a lot of similarities in their stories and it really doesn’t matter whether Jesus was actually born in December or not. I think the point is that at some point several centuries ago there was a child born who was destined to change the course of history. Over the years my interpretation of the event has changed in conjunction to my viewpoint of the whole premise surrounding the life of Jesus and the birth of Christianity due to his life and death. During my childhood and early adulthood, I was surrounded by the belief in a Saviour of mankind and of my own soul and spent a great deal of time in the pursuit of salvation.

At some point I had the profound revelation that Jesus was not going to show up and solve all my problems. I prayed and prayed and yet I was miserable and bad things continued to happen. One day I realized that Jesus did not come to solve all my problems. His message was one of love and empowerment. He wanted me to grow up and solve my own problems. For awhile I was mad at Jesus and Christianity because I thought that Jesus had let me down. I eventually got myself out of the mess I had created for myself and I thought that I had thought of all the solutions to my problems on my own. I had immersed myself in self help books and tapes and had learned that my thinking is what creates my reality. It is not the job of Jesus or any other Diety to override our decisions and come and rescue us from ourselves.

At this point in my journey of enlightenment, it is my belief that our lives are our own creation. There is an abundance of Help from the Unseen Realms available to us if we will ask, but none of the Higher Powers are going to make our problems go away with no involvement on our part. I think the story of the birth of Jesus is a parable we can all learn from. There is a Benevolent Force who loves us enough to send us the opportunity to birth a new life in the midst of a life of struggle. In the story Mary receives a message from an Angel that she will bring forth a Son who will bring salvation to many. I believe that within us all is the potential to bring hope and life and salvation to someone else and also to ourselves. We may have a message of hope and life to bring to someone else. In the story we may be the shepherds who also received the message of new life and hope and brought the message to others. We may be the wise men who brought gifts from far away. We may be the inn keeper who gave the birth a place to happen, even though it was not where most births happened.

I have found that even though my belief system has changed somewhat and I do not believe that Jesus came to save me from my sins, I have found in the story of the birth of Jesus a lesson I can take to heart. At some point in our lives we all are walking around in a dark place and all of a sudden, we receive an inspiration that there is hope. The birth of a child represents the beginning of new life. There is a hope that new life is available and all we have to do is birth it into our lives. That seed of hope is planted and while that seed grows within us we begin to notice that our perspective has changed. If we believe that we contain within the womb of our selves the potential for a new life, then circumstances begin to change. Wise men start coming to visit us with gifts. Shepherds start coming to visit and spread the news of cheer and good will to all. The only thing that has changed is our belief that within us is the seed for our salvation.

The gift of the story of Christmas is that new life is available to us all. When the light turns on inside of us and we realize that salvation comes to the inside of us, not the outside, then the message Jesus was trying to tell us is heard. Even some of Jesus disciples thought that Jesus had come to overthrow the government, and Jesus said no… salvation comes from the inside out. When we have peace and love within our hearts then we have heard the message.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


I have been thinking lately about expectations. I think expectations are the force behind most of our discontent. I guess the thought came to me because it is Christmas time and I am spending much of my time working at the Post Office mailing packages for customers. For the most part I enjoy my job until I have waited on my 1554th customer and I haven’t been to the bathroom or even had time to take a drink of my soda for the past three hours. I go to work early and stay late and my exercise routine is out the window. Forget meditating or blogging. Sometime in the middle of that 1554th customer I think, is this what Christmas is all about? All of this shopping and mailing presents and cards and what should I get this person and I wonder if this person sent me a card last year? Should I send one to them? I wonder if I sent some of my leftover cards from last year if anyone would remember which card I sent them last year? And then the 25th comes and goes and there is this big let down… all of this preparation and cooking and wrapping and stressing about what gifts to give and to whom and then in a couple of hours it is all over. Why the big let down? I think because our expectation of the event is bigger than the reality of it. With expectation comes disappointment. What if we could live without expectations? What if we could just enjoy every moment for what it is and not expect something else or something more or something we don’t have?

A lot of our time is spent thinking about being somewhere or doing something other than what we are doing at that moment. At this moment outside of my house there is over a foot of snow and I am thinking about a trip to Florida in a month or so and sitting by the beach. Last year, however, my trip to Florida resulted in a week of disappointment because the temperature never got above 55. I was expecting warm weather and sunshine and I was disappointed because my expectation of an event did not meet up with the reality of the event itself. What if I could have just enjoyed the trip with my husband and visiting my family without the expectation of what I would be doing or what the weather was going to be like? What if I could just enjoy the snow? What if I could just enjoy every moment for what it is and not think about being somewhere else or doing something else? What if while I am at work I could just enjoy being at work and enjoy waiting on customers or whatever I find myself doing instead of thinking about what I could be doing instead or what I should get done when I get off?

Maybe there are many keys to contentment but I think one of the major keys to living a life full of joy and having less disappointment is that when something is not exactly like we expected it to be to just take it as it comes and enjoy the moment anyway. How much of our lives do we waste away wishing we were doing something else? The monumental moments of our lives come and go quickly and the rest of our lives are filled with just moments. If we can enjoy every moment even if we are not doing anything monumental we will have so much more of our lives filled with extraordinary moments because we will soon realize that every moment is precious.

So am I saying that expectations are bad? I am not sure. I do know that if I am always expecting something in the future to happen to make life better than what I am experiencing right now, then I am wasting the life I am living right now. I guess what I am saying is that every moment is a gift. Every breath we take, every blink of an eye, every smile we give away, if we pay attention, we will learn to appreciate the gift of the moment instead of expecting something else.

Today I am thankful for eighteen inches of snow. I am thankful for the washing machine that is beeping at me, my husband napping on the couch, and that warm feeling that there is nothing that I am expecting that could be any better than this.

Friday, December 4, 2009

You are My Obsession

Just a silly little quick blog today about a meditation I had while on the elliptical machine this morning. I like to meditate while on the elliptical machine because my hands and feet are stationary and I can close my eyes without worrying about falling off or running into something…

Anyway, I had my music on that is conducive to elliptical machines and going really fast. Sometimes if I get really deep into a meditation I won’t even hear the music anymore but in this case the song came on You Are My Obsession. At the moment of my meditation I was face to face with some Higher Beings, all in White. I was thinking maybe Mother and Father God but maybe just a couple of High Beings of Light. I was feeling so much love and light and so I said to them.. You are my obsession…and they said back to me…. no, you don’t understand… you are our obsession!! Wow!! What a revelation!!

They said to me… don’t you understand.. it is through you that we see and hear and feel the physical realm… we feel fear when you feel fear. We feel love when you feel love. We feel pain and joy and all of the emotions that make you human and alive when you feel them. This is as much of an adventure to us as it is to you…..

Then and there I knew that I would never feel alone again or that I didn’t have direction or purpose. There is so much I don’t know and life is such an exciting adventure!! And there are Those Beings on the Other Side that are always there with me, feeling the feelings I feel and experiencing life along with me….

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


During my meditations recently it has been made clear to me over and over that our thoughts do indeed create our reality. Recently I have noticed some underlying beliefs that I never noticed before. One of them is that I can’t seem to find enough time to get everything done that I need to get done. I have a tendency to fill my plate up with way more than what I can possibly accomplish, and then beat myself up when I don’t get everything done. There always seems to appear some wrench in my plan, something to throw my tightly packed schedule to the wind. So recently while meditating, the idea was presented to me that maybe I needed to change my thinking patterns. I was reminded of a dream I had recently where I was climbing up the face of a building, and when I got to the top I was having trouble climbing over the guardrail on the top of the building. I said to my Guides in the dream, this is so hard!! And my Guides replied, your thinking is flawed. Start to say to yourself that it is easy and you will easily climb over the top of the building. When I said out loud, this is easy, then I was easily able to accomplish what I had set out to do.

Back in present time, I have set a mantra for myself now that I am easily able to accomplish all that I set out to do and that I have enough time, energy, and finances to accomplish all those things which I desire to do.

Another mantra which I am incorporating into my thinking is that I am heard. Sometimes I feel like I have valuable things to say, but no one is listening. But I have saved this one for another blog.

I encourage anyone reading this to look within yourselves at what underlying beliefs are keeping you from accomplishing what it is you have set out to do. It is so easy just to turn and begin to think a different way. Anytime I think that I do not have enough time to accomplish something, I say to myself, thank you for sharing but I do indeed have enough time, energy and finances to accomplish anything I desire to do. This works!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Journey to Gettysburg

I am the type of person who has trouble meditating while sitting still. I seem to do my best nonphysical journeys into the Other Realms while exercising. One morning on the eliptical machine I took an incredible journey into nonphysical reality. Why it is so easy to journey while my body is doing something else is somthing I haven’t figured out yet, but I say.. whatever works…

Anyway, I asked my Angels and Power Animals to assist me on a trip my husband Clay and I were taking up to Gettysburg, PA. I wanted to assist the energy there in some way or at least be aware of the energy in that place. Known as the most haunted town in the USA, I wanted to be able to discern some of the paranormal and assist if possible. I noticed I had three of my power animals with me on this trip and I found myself on a piece of land which I assumed was a battlefield. I felt great sorrow on the land and then a Voice spoke to me and said… the civil war was not the first sorrow here. The Native American Spirits have been grieving on this land far before the civil war happened. The land itself is grieving and the blood that was lost here remains in the land and the thoughts and feelings of those who lost their lives here is still in the blood, still grieving and feeling the trauma of the devastation here. And I said, what can I do? In my meditation, I felt I needed to apologize to the land for the mindset that created so much devastation and to send healing energy into the land itself. Mother Earth had absorbed so much blood and so much sorrow in that place and the Spirits of those who lost their lives still wandered around grieving also. So in my journey I layed on the land and sent healing energy into the ground and my Power Animals also walked the land and there were also some Native American Spirits who filled the land with love and together we absorbed some of the energy of grief. Then I saw some soldiers standing around watching and they said to me… I cannot love.. I cannot feel love or allow it in. I am in too much pain. I am afraid to let love in. And I said to them, by not allowing love you lose. Your loved ones are waiting to welcome you on the other side where there is light and love all around and the grief will be absorbed and you will feel pain and loss no more. Then there was the light and I felt that some of the soldiers there crossed over and there was great joy and the Angels rejoiced and welcomed them home. At the end of this there was great joy but exhaustion also.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Traffic Jam

And now comes the busy time of year. There are presents to buy, trees to decorate, cards to write, pictures to take, parties to plan, schedules to coordinate, and not to mention, I work at the Post Office. I also try to call my dad and my daughter every day, go to the gym, meditate, and now I have committed myself to occasionally writing a blog. My mind and my schedule have been stacked full to say the least, and then I have my Inner Self knocking on my door, saying, Excuse me,I would like some of your time as well.

I have a tendency to pack my days off from work with all the things I can’t seem to find time to do during the week, and I rarely get everything done on my list. So today while I was in transit from one task to another, my Higher Powers seemed to indicate to me to take a different route to a destination than I normally take. Was I avoiding some unknown accident or incident? No, I drove right into a major traffic jam in which in about three miles I passed three accidents. It took me three times as long to get to where I was going. Was this some joke on the part of my Guides? Was I just not in tune today and not listening when they told me to take a different route? Hmmmmm… I don’t think so. I really think They were sitting up on a cloud somewhere laughing at me. Now I was forced to sit and wait. I was forced to just be….

My husband pointed out to me that had I listened to him we would already be at our destination. Hmmm… true, I said, but we can be thankful that it wasn’t us in the accidents….(no one was hurt in any of them, by the way, just people in a hurry to get home after a holiday weekend)…..and we can be thankful that it is a nice warm day and we can sit and enjoy the sunshine with our windows down.

We finally got to where we were going and we got most of the stuff done that we had intended. I think my Guides are trying to teach me that I need a balance between doing, and having and being. My doing and my having sometimes get more attention than my being. Sitting in the car today I got to experience being. If I don’t make time for just being in my busy schedule, then the Universe will orchestrate it so that I do have time.

Life gives us everything we need. It may not be what we want, but if we look for the gift in the experience, we will find that it was something we need. Today I apparently needed to sit in traffic. During that time I experienced a moment of time with my husband and my stepdaughter when we were not doing anything but just sitting together, observing life, enjoying the sunshine, and waiting.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Play Time

This weekend my daughter Felicia and my grandson Hayden who is just turning four came up for a visit. It was my grandson’s birthday and also my husband’s and I was having a party for the two of them. I don’t get to see my grandson often so it was great fun watching all the changes since the last visit. I was busy vacuuming and cleaning and preparing for the party, but Hayden was continually calling for me to play with him or write with him. At first I kept saying to him, “wait just a minute, grandma is cleaning, or grandma is cooking or grandma is making tea, or….”

Two things came to my mind. I remember my mom when I was little. She was always busy doing this or that. She never sat to watch tv with us or just hang out with us. It was always something important and I didn’t begrudge her for it until I was older. The second thing that I thought of was actually a bible story from my church going days. In this story Jesus goes to the house of two sisters, Martha and Mary. While Martha is busy preparing the food, Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to him talk. After awhile Martha gets angry and actually asks Jesus to tell her sister to get up and help. Jesus reprimands her and tells her that Mary has chosen the better thing. I guess what lesson the Angels were trying to tell me was that I needed to lighten up and not worry if the house was not spotless and everything was not picture perfect. I had a grandson who was wanting my attention and I will not always have this opportunity to just sit on the floor and roll the ball or play with cars and trains. I am sure my daughter will remember that I always seemed to be busy when she was little and didn’t spend a lot of play time with her, but this was a mistake. There will always be dust on the floor and there will always be dishes to wash. I need to play with my grandson.

I think the same thing applies to the Spirit. Sometimes we just get too busy to stop and just listen. There are deadlines to meet, there are clothes in the washing machine, and I still need to go to the gym today. And there are our Angels and Guides, just waiting to communicate. We just have to spend time connecting.

Don't let time get away. Remember what is important.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time to Plug In

This evening while I was meditating I was given the picture of a cord which had become disconnected. I heard the words… it is time to reconnect. The thought that accompanied this was how sometimes when I am using some kind of electrical appliance like an iron, for example, and I am ironing away (not that I do this very often), when suddenly I notice that the iron is no longer hot, and, upon examination I find that the iron has come unplugged from the wall. If I am not paying attention, I will iron for a moment or so before I notice that whatever it is I am ironing is not responding to all my hard work. I think this is what happens sometimes to our spirit. We unknowingly become unplugged from our Source and then gradually we begin to notice that we are no longer functioning at our normal levels of awareness.

I had mentioned in my previous blog that I had noticed that I had not been receiving any messages lately. When I tried to meditate I would fall asleep or my mind would go off into a hundred different directions. It felt like the connection had been lost. Tonight the message was… it is time to reconnect. Apparently it is just as easy as plugging a cord back into a wall. So I envisioned myself plugging back into my Source. I almost felt a wave of electricity go through me as I realized how easy it was.

I think much of the game of life is that fact that before we are born we are so connected to our Source and then we come into this life having forgotten who we are and why we have come. Much of our lives we spend trying to figure out how to get connected again. We try to fill our lives with things that we feel will give us that feeling of connection. For each of us the things we try will be different, but eventually we must learn that the connection to our Source happens from within us.


Lately I have been thinking about purpose. It seems that we as human beings thrive on the feeling that our life has some meaning, that we matter to someone or that we have done something for some Higher Cause. This need for our lives to have meaning and purpose is what drives us to wake up from day to day and to do the things we do. Depending on our religion or the way we were brought up this need for a sense of purpose might manifest in different ways. It might cause someone to do any number of things for any number of causes. But the fact is that we all desire to have a higher purpose in our lives. This need for purpose in our lives in itself is not a bad thing. I was reading a book today that proposed that a feeling of purpose can keep a human from falling ill or from contracting diseases versus someone who seems to contract every virus that comes along. Maybe the one person had a sense of purpose and the other person didn’t. Or it could keep a person from dying from a disease long after the doctors predicted they would live.

I read a post today on facebook where someone said… do what you love and you will love what you do. What about all the people in this world who would just love to sit in front of the tv all day? I would predict that soon those people would be getting hungry. Sometimes life requires us to do things we would not prefer to do. Some days I get up in the morning and I really don’t feel like running or going to the gym, but I make myself go and after several minutes the rush comes and all of a sudden I am loving what I am doing. My suggestion is this… choose to love what you do and then you will do what you love. I never thought when I first got hired at the Post Office that sorting mail or delivering mail was my purpose in life. I thought surely one day the heavens would open and by some miracle I would be able to quit my job at the Post Office and do something ( I wasn’t sure what that something was) that would save the world from disaster or make the world a better place. In the mean time, I delivered mail and along the way came upon a woman who had no real contact with people except for me, the mail carrier, delivering her mail to her every day. She baked me bread and had some little something for me every day. At that time my purpose in life was to be a light to that woman. I would take my breaks at her house every day and talk to her because I knew that I was the only human contact she had every day. No I wasn’t saving the world, but I was bringing a better day to one woman.

I think sometimes we have these grandiose plans for ourselves. I think of the movie Toy Story where the Astronaut toy thought he was really the real action hero who was here to save the world. His whole world fell apart and he lost his whole sense of purpose when he discovered he was only a toy. But his real purpose in life was to bring happiness to one child.

I think most of us are here to make the world a better place one little moment at a time. Maybe we are here to encourage someone who is down or to smile at a clerk who has had a bad day. Today as I read inspirational thoughts from some authors and public speakers who seem to really have an amazing talent for words and inspiring others, my first thought was, what could I possibly say that would be as good as what any of these people are saying? And then I remembered talking to a customer today whose exwife is trying to take visitation of his child away from him and I encouraged him to think positive thoughts and send her good vibrations instead of the energy of hatred and just say a positive affirmation that whatever is best for everyone concerned is what will come about in the end. Of course I do not know the whole story and that is why I encouraged him to affirm what is best for everyone concerned is what will come about. There is no harm in sending out the energy of love into any situation. He left me thanking me for the encouragement and I realize that he may never read an inspirational thought from any one of my favorite authors or speakers but I am there delivering a message of hope to him.

I guess my thought for today is … bloom where you are planted. Think positive thoughts and send out positive energy no matter whether you are out there literally saving lives or whether you are flipping hamburgers or changing bedpans. What if there was no one to change bedpans? Everyone has an important job. Everyone can make a difference in the world just by being happy and spreading love wherever you go and whatever you do. If we all spend more time loving each other and seeing the best in each other than we do finding fault with each other, soon there will be nothing to complain about. We will have created a better world, one person at a time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The past week or so I have been feeling blocked in terms of my creativity. A difficult week at work last week did not help my situation. The two may have been related. I seemed to be unable to meditate, and even while on the elliptical machine or running, I was receiving no inspiration. I had been looking forward to November 11, who many said was a high spiritual day. Off from work due to this day also being Veterans Day, I spent much of my time attempting to meditate and spend some time with Spirit. It seemed like the walls around me were too heavy for any communications with Spirit to come through. All I wanted to do is sleep.

Even sleep did not come easy for me. Worried about a computer challenge at work, one night I lay awake all night trying to figure out how I should have solved the problem. I had even expressed to a few choice friends that I thought something about me was making some electronic equipment fail to do their job properly.

Today while doing my exercise routine, it has occurred to me that challenges are to our spirits what weights are to our muscles. I notice that when I do the same kind of exercise routine for awhile, my muscles adapt and the workout becomes easy, therefore ineffective. I have to continually challenge myself and change my routine to continue to see results. It is the same with our spirits. If we coast through our lives with no challenges, our spirits become weak. I still believe that our thoughts create our reality, however, I do not believe that I intentionally created a computer malfunction or a creativity block. Maybe my Higher Self realized that at some point in the future, I was going to need to know how to handle a computer challenge, and the best way to learn is to experience one. And the best way to be sure that my messages I receive are indeed messages from an Unseen Realm, is not to get anything for awhile.

I heard someone say one time that if you think you are running into a wall, step back and look up. It may be that instead of a wall, it is a huge step and you are just running into the riser of the step. Maybe you are getting ready to step into something really big.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Recently I have become increasingly aware of my thoughts and emotions and the power they have to create the reality I call my day to day existence. Every day in dealing with the public, I engage in conversations and small talk, and frequently the subject matter becomes less than positive: the weather.. it is too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry….etc… politics, you either love him or you hate him….the mail, it is late or misdelivered…..I guess you get the drift. I guess I noticed it is rather easy to fall into less than positive conversations.

After several hours of this one day, I began to realize that I needed to offset all of this negativity in my mind. I began to make a list of all the things I was grateful for, and not just the normal things like a house to live in, a job, health, family, those things we take for granted but are the first on our list when we start to think of things that we are blessed with. I began to thank my invisible helpers, be they Guides, Angels, or my Higher Self for those things we sometimes don’t notice but are instrumental in our survival in this realm. I thanked them for helping me through the difficult years, for sending me signposts when I was feeling lost, for sending me knowledge in the form of books or teachings of different kinds. There are many times when I am feeling worried or anxious, I will have a particular song play on the radio, the words of which will give me comfort. Or sometimes I will wake up and a particular song will be playing inside my head, and if I pay attention it is a message of some kind for me. I don’t know how many times I have gotten messages from movies or television. It may be only a sentence or two but it will be exactly what I need to get me through a particular time of uncertainty.

Most of the major crossroads in my life have been determined by by certain signposts that my Guides have set up for me so that I would take the path that would best serve the purpose I needed to accomplish at that particular time in my life. I wasn’t always good at reading or interpreting the signposts and I didn’t always follow their direction, but the signs were there nevertheless.

Our unseen helpers are always there suggesting paths that would serve us the best. Of course we are always free to choose our own paths, and they never force us into any decision, but the choice is always given to us. I think it is time to say thanks to all those unseen helpers who tirelessly send us messages and never give up even when we ignore their promptings. Thanks, to all of You Guides and Messengers, who never give up. Thanks for all the signs, messages and guidance whether I realized where it was coming from or not, and whether I listened to the guidance or not. Thanks for the interruptions when I was about to do or say something I shouldn’t. Thanks for the answers you sent to my questions in the form of movies or television interviews.

All of these divine interventions many times go unnoticed and unacknowledged. I just want to take this opportunity to say “thank you”.Thank you to all my unseen helpers for all that you do to illuminate my path and point out potential stumbling blocks.

I appreciate all your help……

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Empty Table

I am sitting on the porch at an upscale French restaurant called Gabriel’s Inn in Ijamsville, MD, near Frederick. I am sipping on a glass of wine while my husband is inside at a meeting. There are outside tables available but at the moment the tables are empty. There are customers inside and I can hear them chatting and there is pleasant music playing. I also can hear the cicadas singing to me, birds chirping, and in the distance a train whistle blows. Occasionally, a car passes by. In the front of the restaurant there is an expanse of green grass, decorated by a fish pond and a gazebo. Near the gazebo, I can see a couple of deer grazing.They have crossed the front entrance and seem to be completely oblivious to any feelings of danger. What quiet contentment. A feeling of deep gratitude and joy rises up within me.

I happen to focus on the empty table in front of me, clad with a nice tablecloth and candle and surrounded by hanging plants and creeping ivy which has made its way up the banisters.

For some reason, a verse rises up within me from the deep recesses of my memory, “I have prepared a table before you in the presence of thine enemies.” Ah.. an excerpt from the 23rd Psalm. Yes, but as I have previously shared, I am seldom troubled by any enemies. What are you trying to tell me?

I seem to remember a quote and I don’t even know who said it or where I heard it that says,”I have found the enemy and the enemy is me.”

Are you trying to tell me that even through all my ups and downs and battles with myself, my endless questions regarding the validity of my contribution to the betterment of society, my questions to myself regarding whether or not I am really hearing messages from the Higher Realms, even through all that… You…. the Angels, the Higher Realms, God, whatever you want to call the Higher Power…….You have prepared a table for me despite myself???

HA…just now a train whistle blows loudly as if to call out to me and say… YES …. you finally got it!!

In the midst of my own self doubt, my battles with myself, there is a table prepared for me. Right now it is empty. It is waiting for me to sit down and dine.

Keep the Change

Working in a retail environment, I have noticed a circulation of the energy we call money. There are those customers when they are offered a few cents in return for the money they have used to pay for the services they requested, they will say, “keep the change.” Some will stand and wait for a penny, and some customers occasionally come up a few cents short. In the big scheme of things, the customers who say, “keep the change” make up for the ones who are a little short.

It seems to me that this is the way of the universe. There is the give and take of all of existence. Bees pollinate flowers. It benefits both the bee and the flower. We humans give out carbon dioxide and take in oxygen while trees do the opposite. We all are involved in the give and take of the universe.

The problem arises when there is inequality in the giving and the taking, which is the biggest problem in global warming. We humans are taking all of the resourses of Mother Earth and not giving enough back. Many times I have found that givers have a hard time taking and takers have a hard time giving. If a person who is a giver by nature doesn’t take time to recharge themselves and fill themselves back up with the energy they are always giving out, they can become ill and make it necessary for others to give to them. If a taker who is accustomed to having others give to them never gives of themselves or the blessings they receive, even if it is not money they give, they will find themselves always in need of a handout. They may find that their sources dry up as even the most generous givers get tired of giving to those who never seem to be able to improve their conditions.

For those of us, including myself, who tend to get a little unbalanced one way or the other, we all need to learn that there is give and take and that it is universal law. If we give a lot, then we need to spend some time renewing ourselves. Spend some time in nature, exercise, meditate, pray, play, whatever it is that renews our souls. If we are a taker, then learn to give. Volunteer for a charity, help an older person clean their house or wash their car, mow their grass. Or it may be something simple, like telling someone to “keep the change.”

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Signposts on the Road of Life

Monday I took a little road trip to see my daughter who lives a couple of hours away. My plan was to stop along the way and pick up some of that wonderful new grilled chicken from KFC and take my daughter Felicia and her son Hayden up on the Skyline Drive for a picnic. To my astonishment there were no KFC signs on the highway telling me… take this exit for KFC. Finally I decided to stop at one of the exits and just check. Maybe KFC doesn’t advertise on the highway. Unhappily, there were no KFC’s on the particular exit that I took so I ended up stopping at the grocery store and buying one of those wonderful rotisserie chickens instead and we still had a wonderful picnic.

As I was driving though, the thought came to me that life is just like this road trip. We are driving along the highway of life and someone before us has paved the road for us so that we could have a pleasant ride and someone has thought to put up signposts to tell us what lies off of the exits that are available. It is our choice to take or not take the exits along the way. Also there are other travelers in life riding alongside of us and some pass us because we are going too slow and some we may pass by because we think they are going too slow. But everyone is traveling along at the pace that is best for them. Some travelers may just be taking a ride and some may have a particular purpose or destination in mind. Most of us are not mindful enough of our fellow travelers. Some of us, like I did, noticed the wonderful beauty of the landscape around me and the wonderful sunshine and puffy clouds dotting the sky. Some of us are too wrapped up in the journey itself or the anticipation of what lies ahead of us on the road or at our intended destination to pay attention to the beauty around us.

As I drove, I just thanked the trees for giving us oxygen and providing us with beauty, and I thanked the person or group of persons who decided to make a highway in the first place so I would not have to travel on a dirt road. And I thanked the person or group of persons who thought up the idea of making signs to indicate what was off of each exit so that we could know our choices, and then I thanked the person or group of persons who actually made the signs and put them in place. It occurs to me that we all have a job in life. Maybe our job is to pick up the trash that lies on the side of the road. Maybe we cannot see that we have an important job, because we are making someone’s journey more pleasant or more safe. All we see is the trash. We are unhappy that we have to pick it up and we are thinking… if some people would not be so inconsiderate as to throw trash out of their cars maybe I wouldn’t have to do this. But the positive side of the trash is that it gives someone a job to pick it up. So no matter what your job or how thankless you think it is, it is an important job. It matters to someone.

As you travel your highway of life, or maybe to you it is a dirt road and you are walking, but as you travel, look around you. There are so many other travellers that have gone before you and have made your journey so much easier than they had it. There are people and angels and guides who provide you with signposts to indicate what the outcome might be if you take a particular exit or go down a particular path. Don’t be oblivious to the signs around you. It may be that your computer goes down and it is just a sign that now would be a good time to do something else. Or the phone rings just as you were about to make a gripe or complaint of some kind and your words are stopped before you can say them. Thank the angels and guides for the sign that maybe you should say something different or do something different in that moment in time. Maybe if you take an exit looking for something that wasn’t indicated on the sign you will find something better that you weren’t necessarily looking for.

Love and light to my fellow travelers……