Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is on its Way

As the weather starts to warm up and we see hints of spring, I am reminded of how our lives reflect the changes of the seasons. For several months now here in Virginia we have been hunkered down under several snow storms. We spent a great deal of our time shoveling snow and trying to get out and live our normal lives amidst the chill that made our bones ache and our perspiration from the exertion of shoveling snow freeze to our eyebrows. Finally! The past few days we have emerged from our coats and hats and actually have seen sunshine melting the last hints of snow still piled up in some parking lots around the area.

With the sun bidding me to come out today and spend some time in nature, I emerged with rake in hand and decided to tackle the piles of leaves that had been hunkered down under piles of snow until recently. Last fall I had done my share of leaf raking, however, three nests of bees in my yard had forced me to leave several areas of my yard untouched. After meditating and requesting of the bees that they let me clean up my yard, and also with the knowledge that the bees are probably still quietly resting under the ground, I began the task of freeing my yard from mountains of leaves. What did I discover but buds of daffodils under all those dead leaves!! Spring has indeed popped her head out of the ground and announced her arrival!

I am always the philosopher and often find messages from the my Higher Powers and Angels just jumping out into my awareness as I perform mundane tasks, so it was no surprise that as I filled up several bags with piles of dead leaves, I heard my Angels telling me to take notice and do some inventory in my life and see what old dead stuff needed to be eliminated from my life so that the new beginnings of spring could pop their heads out of the ground. The truth is that the new stuff is already there, under all that dead stuff. I just couldn't see it! The leaves that were green and vibrant just a few months ago now lies dead under my feet but it is my job to rake it up and eliminate it.

The seasons teach us that each season of our lives is a necessary part of our evolution, but our job is to not hold on too tightly to one season over another. If we hold on too tightly to the bright green leaves and flowers of summer, time will eventually cause the flowers to wilt and the leaves to turn brown and fall to the ground. Then it will be time to rake them up and hunker down for winter. In winter we go within and find our warmth from the inside. Many animals hibernate and the trees and some plants seem dead, but are just resting. We all need times of rest and rejuvenation. In spring, it is time to plant and enjoy the new buds of life springing forth. We enjoy the days getting longer and the sun seems to shine brighter. In the springtime of our lives we start planting and moving forward with the new beginnings of our lives.

The flowers that are now popping their heads out of the ground are ones that I had planted in months past and some even years past. It reminds me that the seeds I plant in my daily life, my thoughts, emotions, and attitudes will eventually spring up and make themselves known in the garden of my everyday life. What seeds have grown up that I need to pull up and replant something else and which ones am I looking forward to seeing bloom? It is still very early in the season and I am sure we will still have some cold days and nights and it will seem like winter has returned. But we have the promise of nature that the seasons will always be there and eventually the spring days will grow more frequent. I will look with anticipation to see what new little buds are popping out of the ground in my physical yard and also in the garden of my life.

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