Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is upon us, a time to celebrate summer, long days, the sun shining longer this time of year, and reflect on the first half of the year, making necessary changes or adjusting your goals for the second half of the year. Many people make resolutions or goals at the beginning of the year, but not so many use the solstice to reflect on those goals or make adjustments.

A full moon is a time to really focus on manifesting. The energy of the full moon is good up to three days after, and then after that the energy of the moon is waning and better used for help with releasing things that are no longer helpful for you in your life's journey.

Take this time of year to celebrate with like minded friends and acquaintances. Find rituals that are meaningful for you to honor the earth, the sun, and the moon and thank them for their participation in your life. Here are a few ideas!!

Think about your goals for this year. Have you been working on them or have distractions or obstacles seemed to come against you? Do you even remember what your goals were at the beginning of the year?

 Now is a great time for calling upon the powers of the Universe for help manifesting.

Remember that anything you do with intention has power!!

Everything has a meaning, but only the meaning you attach to it. If I say that when I see a butterfly I think of transformation and the power of going within yourself to bring forth a thing of beauty, that is because that is the meaning I have attached to a butterfly. What if, when you were a child, you had a dream that you were attacked and eaten by a butterfly? You would probably not attach the same meaning to it as I did!  Go within yourself and find meaning in rituals, or certain meaningful objects.

Think of an affirmation that describes what you would like to achieve for the second half of the year and focus on that intention during your ritual. Make sure it is seven words or less (something taught to me by my shamanic mentor, which she learned from her mentor... too many words cause a weakened affirmation.)  You could do something artistic, like write it out on a piece of wood or a rock and place it in a natural setting. Be sure to ask permission from any natural object before using it for a ritual. Many people ask me how to know whether the object has given you permission or not. I get an inside feeling, like yes or no. Sometimes, especially on rocks, I will see a smiley face if it is a yes or a frown if it is a no.

Here are some sample affirmations:

 My life is blessed with abundant prosperity .

I enjoy abundant health.

My relationships are mutually beneficial for all.

I manifest a deeper Divine connection.

I surrender my plans to the Universe.

My path is headed in the right direction.

I now easily manifest.......(you fill in the blanks)

In my spiritual class to be held at my home in Winchester, Virginia, on the solstice, we are going to celebrate using all four elements, water, fire, air and earth, using these elements to increase the power of our intentions. We will seek council from Spirit for adjusting our intentions, and thank the Universe by drumming, dancing, and other powerful rituals. If you would like to join with us as we magnify our intentions by doing them in a group, contact me for directions and instructions.

You can contact me here: or just visit my website

1 comment:

  1. Joy, what wonderful prompts! I also loved the sample affirmations that you shared. It never occurred to me that an affirmation could be weakened by being to long, so I will keep that in mind!
