Friday, December 14, 2012


I have been taking a little break from my blogs, due to a bit of overload lately. As you know if you keep up with my blogs, I work a full time job and do weddings and healings on my days off and sometimes after working a full day at the Post Office. I have also stepped up my learning processes with my guides, who have been honing my skills in the tarot and channelling and my shamanic healing work. Recently also my guides have been leading me into venturing into past life regressions. A lot of the processes are similar to what I have already been doing, and I have found that sometimes in the middle of what I think is going to be a past life regression, I am led to retrieve a part of a client's soul that is stuck in another lifetime. Once during a healing, I was shown one of the cards of the tarot to indicate to me exactly what area to focus on. It seems my healing work has become a soup of sorts, with all the ingredients of the soup coming to the forefront as necessary. Sometimes I need to focus on chopping up the carrots, for example, while the meat and the onions are left to simmer in the pot.

I know from doing house clearings that often pieces of souls remain stuck in a dwelling in which something happened in the home which caused them a great deal of emotional trauma. I have learned that our souls don't just remain in times or places just because we were there. Only if we have had unresolved emotional events do our souls become stuck. This can happen in this life or another lifetime. If we find ourselves with sicknesses we can't explain, a feeling of being lost or out of sorts, pains in our bodies that are undiagnosed, issues that seem to keep reoccurring over and over with different people or different scenarios, then unresolved issues from the past may be a clue to our healing.

With all the talk lately of the energies of this month being so strong and that we are in a time of a sort of upgrade of our energy bodies, I wanted to encourage you to settle into the new energies and don't worry if you don't feel anything right away. You might feel the opposite of what you think you are supposed to feel. You may feel like you want to take a break from your spiritual practice instead of forging ahead into unknown territory. This is sort of a reboot. It is okay. Your life may take a tumultuous turn for the worse for awhile. Sometimes when your vibrations change significantly it takes a while for the life and the people who are in your life to adjust to your new energies. And sometimes they may not adjust, which may cause some painful changes. This is also okay. Everyone is on their own path, and you are not responsible to drag your loved ones kicking and screaming into  the new vibration.

With the example of the soup, I encourage you to look at your life as if you were preparing a soup. Sometime we spend too much time on one ingredient and neglect the others. It is a juggling sometimes of all the parts of our lives and understanding that each ingredient in the soup of our lives need different times to cook and become a part of the finished product. While one ingredient is cooking, we may be focusing on something else. And then some of the ingredients get thrown in right before the soup is finished. Don't be hard on yourself if you are not in sync with those around you. With the changes in the vibrations, this is to be expected. We are all ingredients in the Cosmic Soup. We are all cooking at our own pace. Some of us are being chopped into little pieces so that we will be the proper size and portion to fit into the Soup.

Don't worry. The world is not coming to an end. Some may be experiencing an end to the world that they have known, only so that a new one can be revealed. And it is all good. Allow yourself time to simmer so that your own Divine Soup can be revealed.


  1. I agree, Joy ! The Osho Zen has a card about this "worrying" too much: The Moon card called "Past Lives" ( It refers to being so concerned with the lives you may (or may not) have lived before that you forget about this present life you're in NOW ! As you explain, focusing too much on some "ingredient" for too long will make the soup taste "one sided" (OK...the word I was gonna say is just AWFUL...especially if too much salt..yuck !)I don't know about anyone else...but I like my soups "balanced", don't you think?-Eric S

    1. Thanks for reading, Eric. Yes you are right. At some point we have to balance our lives out and make sure all the ingredients are working together to make our lives meaningful and "tasteful" to all those to whom we come into contact. Thanks for sharing!!
