Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today's card is the card of justice. This card is the card of balancing the scales. Today might be the day when you see your hard work rewarded or on the other hand, your secrets may come back to haunt you. The most important thing to remember when Spirit is balancing the scales is that our sense of justice and the Higher Powers sense of justice may be two different things.

You may feel that you have been working hard at something and the card of justice is drawn to bring you the rewards of a job well done. Instead, you may injure yourself and be off from work for a few days, because Spirit feels you have been working too hard and may need to rest. In my case I am an exercise enthusiast. Monday morning although the temps were cool, I went out for my run. I ended up with a sense that my lungs maybe did not fare well. Ignoring my body's indication that maybe a day of rest was in order, the next day I spent the day rearranging furniture with the full intention of continuing my normal workout routine. I pulled a muscle in the process. Maybe Spirit is trying to get me to slow down a bit. I tend to run at full speed ahead. Of course when I draw the cards, I always try to first personalize them before I try to share on my blog, so when I was thinking of what justice meant to me in my life, I could not think of any wrongs that needed to be righted. The muscle injury was the only message I got for me personally. A balancing of the scales. Slow down a bit.

Maybe your spiritual life is flourishing but your relationships need some work. Or maybe you are faring well in the material world, with a bright career but you rarely have time for family or friends. Today is the day to think about how to balance all the various parts of your self that are calling to you for attention. Have you been ignoring the call of Spirit to come away and spend some time in your spiritual practice but you are too busy, with work or family always in the way? Have you been too busy to incorporate physical activity or a healthy diet into your daily routine? Whatever it is that you have been ignoring, look for the balancing scales of justice to come calling.

If you are hoping the justice cards means that someone who has wronged you is about to receive their punishment of sorts, I wouldn't focus too much on the hopes that Spirit has taken up the cause. Spirit is much different than we are about dishing out punishments, especially when that is what we are hoping for. The best thing to do is hope for the best outcome for everyone concerned. Never hope for the downfall of someone who you feel deserves it. You are just asking for the scales of justice to turn instead on you. Remember that Spirit is much better than we are at dishing out justice, and that Spirit has much better scales than we do.

Remember to look within when you are looking at the justice card. Is there someone you have wronged that you need to make it right? Is there imbalance in any areas of your life? If you are inclined to look at others when the justice card appears, then it is time to change your focus. Just for today, focus on an area of your life you have been neglecting. It is time to balance the scales.

Many people have a tendency to assume that a message is for someone else, and fail to personalize the message for themselves. No one likes to think that a difficult message is for them. Not that the justice card is difficult, rather, it is easy to assume that the justice card means that justice will be done in our favor. Someone who has done us wrong will get their just desserts. Not necessarily. Justice is a fair and unbiased observer. The seeds you have sown will grow up eventually. Don't expect if you have been sowing green bean seeds that you will get a watermelon. If you have sown green beans you will eventually get green beans.Someone I once knew, as a teenager, used to steal car parts and sell them. As an adult, he often had cars that broke down, even new cars right off the showroom. Obviously he couldn't go back and make right to every person he stole from. But Spirit was sending him his justice card. Just something to think about.

Just for today, take time to think about what things in your life need some balance. What have you been neglecting? What kinds of seeds have you been sowing? Take notice of what comes to mind. It may be as simple as a pulled muscle to tell you to slow down a bit. Or it may be more substantial. Maybe today is the day to take inventory and do some self balancing, before Spirit does it for you. When the justice card appears, expect justice to be done, for the good of all.

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