Monday, February 13, 2012

Message Twenty Seven

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed of two houses. The first house was very large and ornate. There were many rooms with expensive decorations and exquisite furnishings. However, in every room, there was what appeared to be pandemonium. It appeared that a large party had occurred the night before and there were empty bottles and trash everywhere. In the bathroom there were two people asleep in a tub full of water. In the dream I was trying to solicit help from the other people in the dream to clean up the mess. It appeared that the house belonged to me but it was not one that I recognized in real life. I also did not recognize any of the people in the dream. I would think at first that I recognized someone but then when I addressed them it was not who I thought it was. Then I had a second dream or the second part of the same dream. I am not sure. In the next dream I had just purchased a small cottage. It was quaint and appeared to be a New England style beach house. It had just appeared on the market and in the dream I had snatched it up when it had barely hit the market. It was in pristine condition. As I walked up the sidewalk I noticed an ornate cherry jewelry box sitting by the front steps. I recognized it in the dream as something that belonged to me that I loved. I went inside and noticed it was completely empty, but clean. On the wall was a wooden box that contained locks to all the rooms. The rooms were all locked but I held in my hands the keys to all the rooms. When I got to that point in the dream I remember wondering why all the rooms were locked. I also remember hearing a message that this house was empty and I was to fill it only with things that I loved. Then I woke up.

It seems to me that we all have choices. Houses in dreams often represent our souls or our lives. Very often we fill up our lives with many things that we think will bring us happiness, but along with those things come pandemonium and destruction. We often spend much of our time cleaning up messes that we probably didn't make ourselves but allowed to happen. The second house represents a choice. The choice to clear my soul of things (in my case limiting beliefs or perhaps vows) that do not serve me. I have been writing about vows but it could represent other things in our lives that clutter our "house" and cause disasters. (I still am not sure about the men sleeping in the tub). In any case, I have chosen a different house. It is empty and clean and Spirit was telling me to only fill it with things that I love. The rooms in my house are locked but I have the keys to open the doors.

This message is personal to me but also speaks of choices to clear out cluttering thoughts and beliefs and start new. Whenever we become aware of things in our lives that are clutter to us then it is our choice and our responsibility to clean up the mess. Spirit will help us. It may be that we will "move" into a smaller and emptier house but it is our responsibility to fill our house, our our soul, with things and people that we love. In my case the clutter was thoughts and beliefs about who I am and why I am here.

The message in this is that this year is a year of universal change. There will be some upheaval in our lives but it is for our ultimate good. We are learning who we are and what has been holding us back from fulfilling our dreams for all these years. As we clear out the pandemonium, sometimes we may stay in the same place but many times we will move to a different place in the evolution of our lives. In any case we will all be better for the changes, no matter how much we have become accustomed to the clutter. In the end the changes will be peaceful and it will be up to us to fill our lives with things and people we love. Let us welcome the changes. We hold the keys in our hands to unlock the doors to our souls that previously have been locked up for such a time as this.

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